Where am I ? I think I am in heaven right now, right here. After a long journey by Taxi, plane, bus, motorbike, ferry and pick up I found myself in a beautiful lovely place like heaven. After the wedding of my little lovely brother and his beautiful wife Tuyen in Vietnam near Tra Vinh (4 hours south of Ho Chi Minh City) I decided to have some time off and to leave the safe harbour. Ao Nuoan Bungalows is a basic Hotel with private bungalows, super friendly staff and delicious food on Koh (island) Samed in Thailand. Sorry but no reservations possible. *smile* The last few days were really exiting for me – they had 350 guests at their wedding – and of course because my brother got married. So happy for them! I will show more of that crazy event soon, so differnet to all I have seen so far … stay tuned and be surprised.
EAT well TRAVEL often BE adventurous CONFRONT your fear and LOVE with all your heart.
xxx see you soon back home xxx